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i-NATURE Indigenous Ecological Education at Heritage University Photos

Photos from student research projects, outreach, field site visits, field laboratory activities, and classroom presentations at Heritage University, on the Yakama Reservation, and surrounding areas in Columbia River Basin



Photos from student research projects, outreach, field site visits, field laboratory activities, and classroom presentations at Heritage University, on the Yakama Reservation, and surrounding areas in Columbia River Basin


Mentor retreat in Mosier, Oregon and Rafting the White Salmon River

April, 2019


Costa Rica Indigenous Research Experience (CRIRE) at Las Cruces Biological Field Station in Southern Costa Rica

December, 2018


Western Division American Fisheries Society 2018

PI Alexiades and Ishikawa Prefectural University Graduate Student Hiroaki Arakawa present on the i-NATURE program and related research at the Western Division American Fisheries Society 2018 Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska


Washington MESA Board of Directors Meeting at Boeing in Seattle, WA


In November 2017, I-NATURE Principal Investigator Dr. Alexiades serves on the MESA Board of Directors and recently formed a partnership between First Nations MESA and i-NATURE to better serve Native American STEM students from kindergarten to university.

Learn more about Washington MESA at


i-NATURE undergraduate participants presenting their research at American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) 2017 national conference in Denver, Colorado

 Learn more about the conference at


PIT tagging juvenile steelhead at the Roza Dam Facility with Yakama Nation biologists


Outreach at Mighty Tieton Earth Day and Student Art Show event


Outreach with Mabton High School students


Lamprey outreach activity with Yakama Nation biologists at Heritage University for area middle school students


Place-based experiential education activities in streams on the Yakama Reservation-part of the i-NATURE curriculum


Students dissecting Steelhead (O. mykiss)


Class field trips to Roza Dam fish passage facility on the Yakima River and at the Yakama Nation Fish Hatchery in Prosser